
KASA High School supports the social integration of refugees and asylum seekers through education with the slogan “Education empowers you” and “Education is everyone’s privilege”. For KHS, which has been operating since 1961, the process of supporting refugees comes naturally, given the displacement experience that the founder of the School and his family went through themselves because of the Turkish invasion in Cyprus in 1974.

‘Open Doors’ is an innovative secondary education programme introduced by KASA High School and supported by UNHCR and the organisation “Hope for Children”. The Memorandum of Understanding which was signed on Thursday, the 8th of March 2018, between the UNHCR and KASA High School, ensures the protection of refugees in Cyprus and offers them access to quality learning, education and skill-building opportunities.

The High School offers a three-year school programme, from Year 5 to Year 7. After the successful completion of Year 7, students can receive a School Leaving Certificate which is accredited by the Ministry of Education of Cyprus, and they can therefore pursue their studies in a college or university in Cyprus or abroad.

Due to the fact that most refugees do not have any school documents certifying previous education, KASA High School has been granted special permission from the Ministry of Education of Cyprus to accept students after successfully passing a placement test in Mathematics and English/Greek.

KASA High School, recognising the significance of education and considering it a basic human right, has offered twenty (20) scholarships to refugees and asylum seekers for the school year 2018-2019.

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