Grading System

A student’s final grade consists of the marks obtained from the six tests that take place during a school year (two announced and one unannounced each term), the oral mark of each term, and the final exam mark (students sit the final exam at the end of the school year).

The assessment of a high school student’s performance is based on the following grading scale:

A 19-20 Excellent
B 16-18 Very Good
C 13-15 Good
D 10-12 Satisfactory
F 1-9 Fail

The subjects for which students take a written examination at the end of the school year are selected according to the existing operational regulations of the School.

  • For Year 4 students take examinations at the end of the school year in Greek, Maths, English and their major subjects.
  • For Year 5, they take examinations in Greek, Maths, English and their major subjects.
  • For Years 6 and 7, they take examinations in Greek, Maths, English and their specialisation subjects.

The lowest passing grade is ‘Satisfactory’ 10/20. In case a student is deficient and his/her annual progress is under 10/20 in subjects that do not have a written examination at the end of the school year, (s)he is obliged to take a written examination for these subjects in June.

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