About Library

Academic libraries will alwaysl be culture communities and in this digital age have evolved into Information Centers. The main function of an academic library is to provide resources and services to support the learning, teaching, and research needs of students, faculty, and staff by managing online data, weaving and sorting electronic sources, and providing support to users with electronic information.

The Kasa High School Library is located on the 2nd floor of the Zan Moreas Campus.

Opening Hours:

  • Monday-Friday: 08:00-18:00
  • Sundays: 09:00-15:00

The Library is fully computerised to assist librarian and students in various ways. Computer terminals are available for the users providing access to the Internet and into the library’s catalogue. Library users are offered assistance in locating books, periodicals and searching the Internet. Wireless network access is also available to all students.

To encourage students to use the Library, new students are invited to visit the Library. The librarian offers a library tour and talks about the services and operation and gives them additional information on using specific sources and on effective search strategy methods.

In addition, the library has a  study room with a sitting capacity for 10 users and a photocopy machine. There are restrictions on what material users can photocopy (according to legislation).  Copyrights in Cyprus are regulated by the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Law of 1976 to 2006 (Law No. 59/1976, as amended by Laws 63/77, 18/93, 54(I)/99, 12(I)/2001, 128(I)/2002 and 128(I)/2004 and 123(I)/2006) and in all cases the responsibility for complying with legislation rests with the user making the copies.

Library collections are organised by internationally approved conventions and are arranged for efficient retrieval at the time of need based on the Dewey Decimal Classification System (DDCS). The Library provides its users with easy access to books, periodicals, journals and other reference material.

The Library uses the KOHA Open-Source Integrated Library System and is currently in the process of cataloguing all its book collection in order to meet international standards and to be part of the Cyprus Libraries Union Catalogue. For the search of a book the Library is fully computerised. A user can track down a book by simply entering the author, a keyword or title of a book. The user can also search the database by subject so he/she can look at all books in the Library on a specific topic.

To assist research, the Library uses free databases such as:

  • DOAB: The Directory of Open Access Books covers free, full-text, quality-controlled academic and peer reviewed books.
  • DOAJ: The Directory of Open Access Journals covers free, full-text, quality-controlled scientific and scholarly journals.
  • BASE: Bielefeld Academic Search Engine is a search engine especially for academic open access web resources. BASE is operated by Bielefeld University Library.
  • CORE: Aggregates all open access research outputs from repositories and journals worldwide and make them available to the public.
  • ROAD: Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources provides free access to a subset of ISSN bibliographic records identifying online scholarly resources available in Open Access: journals, conference proceedings and academic repositories.
  • Open Knowledge (OKR): The largest single source of development knowledge. The World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) is The World Bank’s official open access repository for its research outputs and knowledge products.
  • OpenAire: It is one of the largest open scholarly record collections worldwide. It includes publications and collections of scientific data from European projects, ensuring the wide dissemination of research results worldwide.

A library user can borrow up to three books at a time, for a period of two weeks.  A user, wishing to keep the books for a longer period, can do so by renewing the books at the Library.  Students cannot borrow books marked with R.  Such books are used as references or are put on reserve for certain classes.  When books are overdue, students are notified by post or by email and must pay a fine of 50 cents a day.  Money from fines goes towards buying books for the library.

Kasa High School is also a member of EBSCO, the leading provider of research databases, e-journal and e-package subscription management, book collection development and acquisition management, and a major provider of library technology, e-books and clinical decision solutions for universities, colleges, hospitals, corporations, government, K12 schools and public libraries worldwide. For more than 70 years, EBSCO partnered with its customers and other industry-leading organisations to improve research and outcomes through quality content and technology.

Kasa High School students can access EBSCO through the College website to search and use content and connect to additional publications made available through their affiliated institutions.

In addition, there is the Casa College Online Library used exclusively by our students to have access to thousands of books related to their course.

The librarian can be contacted at library@kasahighschool.ac.cy

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